a forum for the interchange of ideas

November Seminar

Dry riser

Our seminar on November 16th took place in the Camden Court Hotel and was hosted by Robert O’Meara, Alan Murphy and Colm Nugent of KSS who covered topics ranging from fire suppression in mobile plant and buses to electrical cabinets and kitchens canopies. They also covered the maintenance requirements of dry risers and hydrants in […]

Lithium Ion Battery Fire and Prevention


Our 2022 season kicked off at 19th January 19th with a Zoom Presentation on Lithium Ion Risk Preventative Systems and the prevention of fire in Lithium Ion batteries.    Our speaker Steve Sims is the EU&A region Engineering Systems Business Development Manager for Johnson Controls, specialising in clean agent gaseous fire suppression systems.   Our speaker, […]

November Seminar

risk management seminar

We have two speakers for our  next meeting, scheduled for November 16th.  10.00am  David Bollard of OHSS will be speaking on the risk management of Asbestos and associated hazards.  11.15am  Alan Smith of Brooklyn Engineering  will present a paper on electrical testing and compliance, in particular the TEGG service on fixed electrical system testing and a […]

AIRM Visit to IKON Innovation Centre

IKON inovation centre

Our October meeting scheduled for the 20th October is a field trip to the IKON Innovation Centre, Dublin Rd, Lisasturrin, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan, A82 XY31 hosted by Tony Ryan, technical director at Kingspan’s Insulated Panels division.  The event will commence at 10.00am and include the following;  Tour of the IKON Innovation Centre (1hr) Presentation of Kingspan’s Quadcore Assured […]

Restaurant Fire Safety

Kitchen fire safety

Our March webinar was a presentation given in conjunction with KSS Fire Suppression, on the latest information around the Ansul R102 system.  Some of you may remember the meeting we had with KSS in Liffey Valley 2019. Our webinar speakers are from Ansul (JCI) supported by KSS. Speakers: ·       John Hunt – Account Manager Ireland & UK […]